In April 2002 in a
framework of NATO SfP Program and Contract between IPLIT
RAS and Kestrel Corporation the Spectral Fundus Imager
System was delivered to Albuquerque. Albuquerque is a
largest city of New Mexico State. We went there to
realign the system after long transportation from one
continent to another and to assist our American
colleagues in operation of the apparatus. To our
surprise despite the long travel by air and land,
numerous shipments and unloading the optical apparatus
needed very small realignment. So on the second day of
our stay in America we could demonstrate the Fundus
Imager operations on the Eye Model and start checking up
the first group of patients. The Imager performed retina
picture quality improvement in comparison with standard
ones, obtained without adaptive compensations of eye
Our colleagues
were even surprised that the first, virtually
experimental specimen of the device showed so bright
results. Our stay in Albuquerque was wonderful! The car
was rented, the apartments reserved, weather was nice
(especially recalling April in Moscow), and landscape
picturesque. We had enough spare time to travel over the
State: to Santa Fe, Taos, and surroundings. Several
times we were invited to local restaurants where we were
so brave as to taste traditional cuisine and beverages.
So, our impressions were incomparable. We even had
chance to visit London on the way from Moscow to USA.