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"Optical Information Processing"

Author and lecturer: Dr. Nikolaev I.P.:



February 7 - April 30 (12 lectures)


5th-year students of the Chair of General Physics and Wave Processes, Physics Department, M.V. Lomonosov MSU (approx. 20 students)


The course introduces to students basic optical methods of analog information processing. Fundamentals of Fourier optics are discussed, on the basis of which the following specific problems of optical information processing are considered: spatial filtering-based phase visualization, iterative phase retrieval, holography, matched filtering, pattern recognition, image processing, optical wavelet transform, and other. Besides learning classical results obtained by Zernike, VanderLugt, Kogelnik, and other pioneers of optical information processing, students get familiar with main contemporary developments in this branch of modern optics.

Detailed information (in Russian)